From: Kirsten Kerkhof Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 04:30:51 -0800 (PST) Subject: Story submission (replacement) Source: direct TITLE: "Fire" AUTHOR: Kirsten Kerkhof * RATING: mild R, I suppose CLASSIFICATION: S A R H KEYWORDS: MSR SPOILERS: Tiny one for "Hell Money" SUMMARY: A fire brings Mulder and Scully closer to one another than they ever dared to wish for. FEEDBACK: Who are you kidding? Compliments are very welcome, I think I could handle flames too. I'll reward every feedback with a reply and a Mulder. DISCLAIMER: Not mine obviously. Why on earth would I be so lucky, huh? They belong to the mighty CC and co. No infringment is intended. NOTE FROM ME: This story has nothing to do with the first season episode by the same name, but you probably already guessed. XxXxX God oh God oh God ... I can't help the continuous prayer which spills from my lips as I walk into the hospital and demand the way to the Intensive Care Unit. I ought to be angry with him, furious even, for taking off without me all over again, but I push that thought aside for another minute. First I have to know how he is and whether he is even still alive. That thought makes me gasp for a second and the reality of the situation slams in all of a sudden. He could be dead. He could be dead, Dana, he's probably dead ... I take a deep breath to steady myself, bracing myself against the force of these words. Easy now, girl, it's no use to become all panicky now. He's probably all right, he must have survived, he always does. "Where is he?" I demand from the nurse behind the counter. "I'm looking for Agent Mulder." "Agent Mulder is in room number thirty- three, ma'am," he answers and I'm on my way. "But you can't --..." I ignore his protests. Of course I can't go in yet, they're probably still busy with him and I should wait until they've finished. Well, I'm a doctor, too, and besides this is my partner we're talking about. My stubborn partner who seems to be getting a kick out of leaving me in the dark about his whereabouts and scaring the shit out of me by having someone calling me at some ungodly hour of the night to inform me he's been hospitalised again, possibly very seriously injured. My selfish partner who has absolutely no regard for or mercy with the state of my nerves. That ass of a partner of mine who has made ditching into an artform worthy of The Louvre. That total bastard of a partner whom I cannot live without, however, and who'll make me relinquish a night's sleep without a second thought because I simply have no choice. I care too much about this man to give up on him, even when I want to strangle the life out of him when it actually happens. I do it because he does the same for me. I care about him and he's obsessed with my well-being -- well, apart from when it comes to my nerves as I mentioned before ... -- and because I'm the only one who's prepared to do this for him. No one else ever cared and no one else ever will. I open the door to his room and am stopped almost immediately. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but you'll have to wait outside for a minute until we're ready," the man at the door says, but I refuse to take no for an answer. I pull out my badge and flash it at him. "I'm Agent Mulder's partner, Doctor Dana Scully," I state, stressing the 'doctor'-part. It works miracles and the man moves aside so I can go in. I nod briefly as a way to thank him, but I have no real interest in him. I quickly walk toward the bed and then I see him, my partner, my Mulder. I don't think he ever looked worse ... "Ma'am, are you okay?" a nurse asks and I realise I must have paled visibly. They probably think I'm about to faint. They all look at me, the concern plastered on their faces. I nod and smile weakly. "Yeah, I'm fine," I answer. Actually, I feel like hell, but there's no need to tell them that. Mulder would see through it right away, but he's not among the ones to answer right now. I get to the side of the bed and take my first good look at my partner as he lies here. The complete top half of his head has disappeared under thick layers of gauze and the same goes for almost the entire left side of his body. He's connected to a respirator and if it weren't for the steady beeps of the EKG monitor I'd have thought him dead. His hair is singed by the intense heat of the fire and whatever part of his body isn't covered in gauze bandages looks red and blistered. With difficulty I tear my gaze away from him. "What are ...", I begin, but I find it hard to finish. Luckily I don't have to. "He has second and third degree burns over most of his body as far as we've been able to determine. It's not fatal, but it's enough to knock a person out," the nurse says with a smile, but I'm not in the mood for jokes and I shoot her a look that would make Hell freeze over. She apologises with a look and I look at Mulder again. "The worst is his face," the nurse says softly. "We are very worried about his eyes." I swallow hard when I hear this. I turn to look at the woman for confirmation of my worst fears. "Is his blind?" "Well, we're not sure yet," she begins, but one look from me tells her that I'm not looking for comfort here. I need facts, even when I don't think I want to hear them. She clears her throat softly. "Yes," she says, "he is blind." I can't help the shudder that runs through me and I almost grab his hand, before realising that his right hand, though uncovered, is still very sensitive and I should not touch him. God, the torture ... "Permanently?" I ask softly, trying to visualise his eyes as they must be under the gauze dressings. "We don't know yet," she answers, "it's too early to tell." I nod briefly. She's probably right. Oh, Mulder, what have you done to yourself ...? "We are keeping him in an induced coma until the worst of his injuries have more or less healed a bit and the pain has become more tolerable." More tolerable. Less agonising. I listen to the steady hiss of the respirator and watch the gentle rise and fall of his chest. 'How can you be so careless, Mulder?' I silently wonder, but then I realise that apart from his taking off on nothing more than a hunch, he really didn't do a lot of stupid things this time and certainly no more than he usually does. The chemical plant was rigged, something no one knew, and the explosion took everyone completely by surprise. He is the only survivor of the group of twenty-odd people who were trapped in the inferno, but that's only because he was clever enough to run away -- on a hunch, that same instinct that had gotten him there in the first place ... "Can I be alone with him for a moment, please?" I ask softly, not looking away. I hear the click of the door closing and then I know I'm alone. I draw a chair closer to the bed and sit down by his side. Better get used to it, because I'll be spending a lot of time in it during the next few weeks. Oh, Mulder, what have you gotten us into? XxXxX His condition improved steadily over the next two weeks. The redness of his skin was first to go, followed by most of the blisters. I was glad about that because with the disappearance of the blisters I could finally hold his hand and touch his face. It turned out that practically all of the third degree burns were actually second degree burns, only the ones on his left upper arm and shoulder and the ones of his face are truly serious, and because of this they're considering him lucky. The insensitive bastards! How can they consider him lucky when he won't ever see again? He's blind for God's sake! And of course I'm in a lousy position to say this, but I have a fair idea that he'd gladly trade a couple of scars for his eyesight. Regain the use of his eyes when the price is a scarred back. Of course, like I said, I'm in no position to say anything, but it would be what I'd do and I know my partner better than he'd like ... I've seen the state his face is in when they changed the gauze. It's awful. The skin is red and raw and blistered and a burn runs right over his left eye to his hair line like an arrow. His eyebrows are singed by the fire but I haven't been able to see his eyelashes yet. His eyelids were too swollen to see them. He looks horrible and I know that under these swollen tortured eyelids lies something equally painful: his eyes. His gorgeous green eyes which are now so useless ... They still haven't given up hope actually, the fools, they still think he might regain the use of his eyes. Eventually. Yeah, eventually is good, that'll probably be his next life ... I'm not telling them about my doubts though; I can't, I want to hope that they're right ... I will miss these eyes so much. I'm going to miss him so much. Because I know he'll have changed when he comes home, he will no longer be the man I know. The change is inevitable, he's blind now for one thing, and I so don't want him to change ... I want him back just the way he was! Two weeks into the recovery stage he is no longer in a coma, even though the sheer quantity of sedatives and painkillers they're using means hardly any difference at all. He's still as lively as a piece of wood in a straightjacket, but at least he is aware of my presence and when I talk to him I do have a minute chance that he can hear and understand me. He's not allowed to talk to me though. Not that he's able to, he's still on the respirator because they're afraid his lungs won't co-operate. I hope they'll take him off the machine soon, it's agonising to see him fight the tube in his sleep. "Agent Scully?" I look around and see Dr Hozumi Isite coming into the room. He smiles and walks to the bed. "How is our patient today?" I sigh softly. "Quite restless, though that isn't much of a surprise." "That's true," he answers. Dr Isite has been treating Mulder for the past weeks. He is a doctor but also an ophthalmologist and it's his job to see whether they can do something for his eyes. So far he hasn't been able to achieve anything, but it's only been two weeks now ... "When are you going to extubate him?" I ask and he checks Mulder's chart. "We might give it a try today," he answers, "I do think his lungs will have recovered enough by now to do their duty." I smile. "That would be great," I say softly. "It hurts to see him fight the machine." A nurse comes in. "Good afternoon, doctor, Agent Scully," she says and walks to the bed. "I'm going to change the gauzes, doctor." Dr Isite nods and I take Mulder's hand in mine. This is going to hurt like hell and I want him to know I'm here, even when I cannot take any of the pain away. It takes the nurse over five minutes to remove all the tissue and clean his eyes. He's not allowed to open them of his own accord, they are too afraid that his eyes might get infected or something like that. I don't see their point, he's blind already, but it's probably got a good reason. Wish they'd explain it to me ... I mean, he's blind, what could go wrong and make it worse? It's still a sorry sight, seeing his tortured face even now that the swellings are mostly gone and his eyelids are almost back to normal too. They shaved off the singed eyebrows when his skin could take it and I notice that they're starting to grow back. For some reason it makes me feel a little better, knowing that, among all that is damaged, new and healthy things are coming back, replacing what was lost in the fire. His lashes are starting to grow back too and I'm so glad. He's slowly beginning to look more like the man I know and care so much about. "Agent Mulder?" the doctor addresses him. He takes Mulder's hand. "Can you understand me? If so, please try and squeeze my hand." I cannot see anything happening, but Dr Isite nods to the nurse so I suppose he got a satisfactory response. Then he turns back to Mulder. "We are going to try and remove the tube of the respirator and hopefully you'll be able to breathe on your own. Now please stay calm and all this will be a lot easier for you." It doesn't take long at all for the doctor and the nurse to remove the tube, but I cannot help but shy away a little when I hear his awkward attempts to keep breathing. Then I take his hand in one of my own, keeping my other hand to his cheek, stroking softly with my thumb. "Come on, Mulder, breathe," I whisper. He coughs and his breaths come wheezing and laboured, but it seems like he's getting the hang of it. "Can you breathe?" I whisper nonetheless, wanting to talk to him. "I think that went quite according to our expectations," Dr Isite says and he sounds content. I hardly pay any attention to it, focused as I am on my partner who's calming down a little. Then, all of a sudden, the stares of the doctor and the nurse begin to annoy me and I ask them to leave. They protest at first, but knowing that I am a doctor they leave us to ourselves. "Be sure to call for help if needed," Dr Isite says, but I don't hear him. Just get out of here, I think, wishing them away. Then, when I know for sure we're alone, I sit down on the edge of the bed and fully turn my attention to my partner. "Mulder, can you hear me?" I ask softly. He tries to answer, but I put my finger to his lips. "Shh, take it easy, Mulder," I say and smile. "No need to rush ..." I take his hand and lift it to my lips, gently kissing the fingertips. "Scully ...", he says, his voice rough. It's almost nothing more than a throaty whisper, brought on by the fire, the respirator and the lack of exercise. Still it's a wonderful thing to hear after the past weeks. "Yes, Mulder?" He clears his throat and winces. That quite clearly hurt and it showed. "Scully, are you okay?" My heart softens at his words. No matter what has happened to him, his first concern will always be my well-being. Unfortunately right now he should be focused on himself and not on me. "I'm fine, Mulder," I answer. "They called me after you were brought in. I've been here ever since." "What --..." He tries to swallow. "What happened?" "To you? The chemical plant exploded. You're the only survivor, the others didn't make it." He is silent for a while. Then he takes my hand again. "Scully, why haven't they removed the gauze over my eyes yet? I can't see." I look down at him compassionately. "They've decided that your eyes haven't healed well enough yet. They were very badly injured in the fire." I know this is a coward's way out, but I simply don't have it in me to tell him the bad news straight in the face. Not yet. But Mulder, the genius that he is, figures it out for himself. "I'm blind?" Oh God, here we go ... I nod, momentarily forgetting that he cannot see it, and I feel tears in my eyes. "You are," I say softly, stroking my hand over his cheek. His mouth moves as he tries to process this devastating news and I give him time, letting it depend on him when this conversation will go on. In the end though, it is but one word that comes from his lips, but it contains every emotion and thought that I'm sure went through his head just now. "No ..." He slowly shakes his head, turning it away from me. I fold my hands in my lap and we are silent for a long time. I can imagine all that must be going around inside his brain, it must be such a hurricane of thoughts and doubts ... I myself do not think at all, I only watch him, feeling so tremendously sorry for him. "Mulder ...", I begin and he turns his head towards me. "What?" Suddenly at a loss for anything to say I bow my head and shake it briefly. What can I possibly say? I have nothing to offer him except comfort, but at this moment I don't know whether he even wants that. I sigh. "I ... I don't know ...", I say softly. He takes my hand again and curls his fingers tighter around mine, causing him to wince slightly. "Hurts ...", he merely says and I think it's because of the recently injured skin of his right hand. It has healed quite well already, but it's still not perfectly healthy. "I'm sorry," I say softly. His left hand lies uselessly on the mattress. The doctors removed the gauze about four or five days ago to let it heal to the air, but the skin is still looking very tender and red. It's been his right hand which has provided me with a link to him during the past weeks. I gently stroke my thumb over the back of his hand and then I touch my fingers to his knuckles. "Scully?" I look up at him, suddenly realising I had been staring at his hand. "Yes, Mulder?" He hesitates before he takes a deep breath. "This is forever, isn't it?" Once again I nod. "It is," I answer. No more tip-toeing around the subject, his injury is a fact and we'll have to find a way to learn to live with it. He takes a deep shuddery breath and I see the underside of the gauze get wet very slowly. Then one crystal tear creeps out from underneath them and run slowly over his cheek, eventually getting caught by the dressings on his jaw and neck. It makes my eyes pool as well. I have absolutely no idea what is going on in that brain of his, I don't think I even want to know, but I do know that this is hard, very very hard for him to deal with. Then he opens his mouth, speaking slowly. "I think I want to go to sleep." I smile. "Okay," I whisper, giving his hand a soft lingering kiss and placing it on the mattress. He immediately reaches out to grab my hand. "Stay," he only says. "Don't go." And I stay. XxXxX Mulder moved in with me. We didn't even have a discussion about it, there was simply no doubt about that he would after leaving the hospital. My mother, the angel that she is, offered to take him in, but that was pretty much out of the question. She does, however, come around to 'baby-sit' sometimes. This is her word, I'm not using it. Wisely, neither is she when Mulder is around, who'd consequently refuse to spend another second at my house. Not, as you might think, because he'd be insulted, but simply because the foolish, sweet man already thinks he's a burden and he should be somewhere else where he wouldn't be a bother to either my mom or myself. I haven't yet succeeded in convincing him that he is no burden, but he simply doesn't get it. Or refuses to get it, which is, knowing his inborn stubbornness, probably more correct. Tonight, though, things are good. Really really good. Naturally Mulder resigned from the Bureau, there was never a question about that, but he hasn't left his work behind altogether. Although theoretically he is no longer working for the FBI, people still come to him for advice, something which still surprises us both. I myself am still working, be it now as a part-time pathologist and no longer as a Field Agent. To our complete and utter stupefication Skinner found two Agents who were precisely right for taking up the X-Files project. I felt deeply for Mulder when we received the news from A.D. Kersch. We'd only very recently received the X- Files back after Spender and Diana had made too big a mess of them and now Mulder had to accept that someone else was taking over his life's work. I spent three weeks with the two young Agents, Agent Jim Fitzgerald and Tony Abraham, to get them acquainted with that strange and creepy world Mulder and I dedicated, and still dedicate, our lives to. Skinner, who received the supervision over the X-Files back after Fitzgerald and Abraham got the job, is keeping an eye on them and so far we've heard nothing but good things about them and the way they handle the cases. One could say that they're about as loyal to the job as we ever were -- but don't say that to Mulder ... Today Mulder and I went back to the Edgar Hoover Building. It was the first time since the accident that he'd be back and this morning, while we were still in bed, he confessed how scared he was of going back. Or maybe not scared, but certainly very nervous and very anxious and wary. I could not quite reassure him, but luckily it turned out that his worries were in fact slightly unfounded. Over the past three months Mulder has grown increasingly more at ease with the fact that he can no longer see. He told me one morning that the world is in fact not a black void to him: his left eye is completely blind but it's like he's wearing an opaque contact lens in his right eye. He can see shades of light and sometimes contours. Sadly he cannot see me. When he's on his own he walks slowly, but when I lead him his stride is once again strong and powerful. I don't think he really minds that he has to be led by me, not to mention that he has very little choice indeed ... As expected there were the occasional whispers as we walked through the building, but it was far less than expected. Our first meeting was with Skinner. The man had expressly requested to see us whenever we'd be back at HQ and even though he is no longer our direct superior I simply could not refuse his request. He told us about how the new Agents were handling the X- Files and answered Mulder's avid questions about anything that concerned them. I never realised that he'd been thinking about the X-Files so much for the past months until I realised that this was in effect not only his only reason for being here, but also that, being out of a job now, he'd had ample time to go over them again and again. It was the most relaxed conversation we'd ever had with Skinner. After our meeting with Skinner we went down to our former domain, our own little kingdom in the basement which we had now passed on to our successors. Mulder surprised me by taking the lead on our way down. He'd often quipped about his alleged ability to walk this way blindfolded, but I never really believed him. Turned out he was actually speaking the truth. And when we entered the office, which had been restored to its former glory after the fire, he only stood there for a moment, letting his senses assure him that he truly was back. He quickly went around the office, feeling every object he could find, on his face the most wonderful smile I'd seen in months. Of course we talked to Fitzgerald and Abraham, for hours and hours. Their dedication to the X-Files must have been a wonderful thing to experience for Mulder, especially after having been forced to witness the way the Weasel and the Fowl had corrupted his legacy. And now, four hours later, we're back home. We came home about two hours ago, I guess, with Mulder in a wonderful wonderful mood. I proceeded to make dinner while he sat with me in the kitchen as always, listening to what I was doing, tasting the bites of food I offered him to try and making his witty and sometimes even leering remarks whenever he had the chance and like nothing had ever changed. I must confess I let the sauce burn -- my mind was somewhere else entirely when I had put it on the fire and Mulder made me come in his arms. A Mulder-kiss has always managed to make my mind take a two-week vacation to a tropical island and that is not terribly good for whatever it is you're cooking ... We had a quiet dinner, no sauce obviously, and now Mulder is on the couch, waiting for me. I see him turn his head in my direction as I come into the living room carrying a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. "Scully?" I smile, walking to the couch. "Who else?" I quip and he grins. He pats the empty spot beside him. "Come here," he says softly. I place the glasses on the coffeetable and the wine on the floor and then I sit down, curling up in his arms. It's amazing how intimate Mulder and I have become. Partly it went without actual choice, he needs me close to give him what he needs. And partly it is because we have changed ourselves. Mulder is not the man he once was anymore, nor am I the same Dana Scully I was one year ago. We've become as close as a husband and wife could ever be. Which includes the arguments and the quarrels. Only last week we had a raging fight over something which now seems so trivial it is almost ridiculous, but at the time it was the ultimate last straw. God help me if I even remember what it was ... Looking back on the situation it was the culmination of frustrations, both his and mine, built up inside us and coming to the front over something so silly it is hard to believe we actually fought. It is hard for a free-willed, independent man like Mulder to be so reliant on someone else. He has a cane, but the spiders in my house have built many a love-nest around it since we bought it. He's not using it, refuses to use it. Which means, of course, that he needs a substitute, namely: me. And 99% of the time I love that, I really do, but there's that 1% when I really really hate it. Last week I suffered from that particular one per cent. And that in itself wouldn't have been that bad as I'm very well capable of swallowing my reluctance, but, as fate would have it, Mulder had also reached his 1% portion. War was inevitable. Nothing of that is apparent right now though. I turned the radio on and it's playing in the background very softly. The music mingles with the wonderful soft sounds of our breathing. His burns have healed really well. The recuperative powers of his body have always amazed me, but this time he has really outdone himself. Apart from the scar running over his brow and left eye, stopping just under his lower eyelid, his face is almost as good as new. I'm leaning into his right side, instinctively still avoiding the left side of his body. My right hand is in his left one as his right arm rests behind my back. I rub my cheek over the front of his shoulder and sigh with a smile. "Scully?" I nod against his shoulder. "Yes?" "You bring the wine?" I nod again. "Yes, I did," I answer, gently and reluctantly leaving his embrace. I remove the cork from the bottle and fill the glasses. Then I hand him one and, with my own glass in my hand, I move back into his arms. Sometimes paradise ain't that hard to find ... "Scully, I've been thinking," he says and I look up at him. He has bowed his head even though he cannot see me. "What about?" "I've been thinking about the possibility of corneal grafting," he answers. "You think that would be an option for me?" I'm silent for a second. "I don't know," I say, "I've never really thought about it." His hand comes up to my hair, following the contours of my face and then he slowly strokes it. I want to hum, that's how content he makes me feel. "I first read about it when we were investigating that Hell Money case in San Francisco," he says, "and it's been playing through my mind for about a week now." I think about what he just told me and for minutes neither of us says anything. Then I take a deep breath. If this is what he wants ... "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask. "I don't know, guess that was because I needed to get used to the idea myself as well. It is quite a decision after all." "It is," I agree. I nestle a bit closer to him, resting my hand over his heart. I close my eyes, feeling supremely content. "I think it is certainly worth a try," I say. "Why don't you discuss it with Dr Isite when you're in?" He doesn't answer, but his head droops a little to rest on top of mine. I hear his sigh and when he speaks his voice is uneven, trembling with emotions. "Just imagine ... just imagine that one day I'd be able to see again ..." He swallows and I kiss the underside of his jaw. "Being able to see again ..." XxXxX "Scully?" I open my eyes with difficulty and look up at him. We're in bed and I was just about to enter the most wonderful Mulder-dream of my life when he woke me, so it's understandable that I'm slightly unwilling to come back. "Mm-mm?" The fingers of his right hand draw soft circles over my back, sometimes slipping under the spaghetti straps of my night gown, while I press myself closer to him. He's so nice and warm. "I don't want you to take this amiss, but ..." He pauses. "What is it, Mulder?" I murmur, rubbing my cheek against the warm tee-shirt he's wearing to bed. "Why are you staying with me?" I groan softly and cast a quick glance at the alarm clock. 2.53 in the morning. Jesus, Mulder ... Then I move up a little so that I can look at him more easily. "Why wouldn't I?" He sighs. "But you never had to take me in," he says. He sounds so insecure it's almost annoying. I sigh and smile. Sweet, sweet man. I raise my hand, softly stroking his left cheek, my fingers whispering over the scar that runs over his left eye, a silent reminder of the horrible fire. "Yes, I had," I say softly. I feel how his hand creeps up to my neck and I look him in the eyes. It's sad to see his empty look even though his eyes don't appear to have changed all that much themselves. But that non-look hurts me in a place deep inside ... "Mulder, I'm not someone who'd leave a person who needs me. And you are such a person. You need me." He sighs. "I do, but ..." He shakes his head. "Scully, what have I got to offer you? For all you're doing for me, I can give you nothing in return ..." "Mulder, I'm your friend, remember?" I say with a smile. "Just as I stayed with you on the X-Files for all these years, I'm staying with you now. It's my own choice, my own decision, I feel happy when I'm here with you. And I won't deny that I sometimes long for what we had before the fire, but then I also feel truly happy for what we've got now. I love you, Mulder, I love you for all that you are. And maybe ... maybe I even love you better now than I ever could have if you hadn't had that accident. Now that when watching your back means really caring for you instead of repairing the mess you used to leave behind in your state of proud independence." I wish I could read his mind and know what he's thinking. I used to be able to read his every thought in his eyes, but they are expression-less now. I lean in and kiss him on the lips, gently but warmly and with promises of things to come. "I'm staying, Mulder, whether you want me or not." His answer is to gather me to him, hugging me tightly. "I didn't want to need you like I do now," he says. "I didn't want to be this dependent on someone else, but I have no choice." I shake my head, rubbing my cheek against his shoulder. "You don't. I'm staying." He chuckles and I smile. "And now I want to sleep, Mulder," I say, working myself up so that I can kiss him. "Only four more hours of sleep and I need 'em!" He turns me in his arms until we're both precisely right. "So do I," he answers. I fall asleep with his fingers caressing my hair. XxXxX "Only your right eye would be suitable for corneal grafting, Mr Mulder," Dr Isite says and I look at Mulder. He is quiet, but very attentive. Then I look back at Dr Isite who continues his explanation of the procedures involved. "It is not common practice to transplant the cornea of an eye which is already completely blind, except maybe in cases where a chronical swelling or infection and the resulting pain would be relieved by the operation. I do think, however, that this is not the case in your case. And we should also bear in mind that your left eye was in fact very much destroyed by the fire so I think grafting would not be beneficial for that eye. Your right eye on the other hand does offer us enough chances of success to try it." Mulder reaches out and I take his hand. We're side by side in the leather chairs in Dr Isite's office. "Have you ever read about corneal grafting, Dr Scully?" he asks me. "At any time during your study in medical school or maybe as part of your work?" I shake my head. "Not really," I answer, "although Agent Mulder has to a certain extent. Personally I was trained as a pathologist and dead people usually no longer require transplants ..." Dr Isite smiles. Then he clears his throat. "Okay, well, as we already determined in earlier sessions the chances of your right eye healing naturally are very much non-existent, Mr Mulder. I do think, though, that a corneal transplant would be a solution, an option to restore at least part of your eyesight." He gets up from his chair and takes two booklets from a folder in the cabinet to his side. "Now, as neither of you are very familiar with the procedures I will explain to a certain extent what is going to happen. Of course the surgeon who will perform the operation, provided that you do decide to go on with it, will explain it in more precise detail, but this will give you at least some idea of what the operation is about." He hands me the two booklets and while I quickly scan the contents, Dr Isite explains the procedure to Mulder. It turns out that it is in fact not as big an operation as I always thought. In fact, in Mulder's case it may even be done under a local anaesthetic. After the eye has been anaesthetised, the eyelids are opened and the ophthalmologist performing the operation removes the damaged cornea, measuring the exact size so that the donor-cornea will fit into place. After everything has been prepared the donor-cornea is sewn into place. I look at my partner as Dr Isite explains what will happen. I can see he's already decided to do it, even though we have not reached that decision together yet. I'm not going to stop him though. If this is what he wants I fully agree with his choice. "Anyway," Dr Isite concludes his speech, "everything is explained in these booklets I just gave to Dr Scully." He rises and I follow his example. "Please do not hesitate to come to me if there are any more questions and when you've reached your decision." I shake his hand and smile. "Thank you very much, Doctor." Mulder takes that as his cue to get up and he too shakes the doctor's hand. "Thanks," he says. I can see that there's more he wants to say, but he doesn't. Then he holds out his hand. I take it and let his arm come around my waist where he's been holding me for the past three months. It's become his new customary place. It was a necessary change, I couldn't guide him well enough if he kept his hand on the small of my back. Together we leave Dr Isite's office and head back to the car. Tonight we'll take the decision even though I suspect Mulder already knows. XxXxX It was no surprise for me when Mulder told me that night that he wanted to go on with it. I had no objections either even though I was maybe a bit apprehensive of it all. Maybe I still am, I don't know. We went to see Dr Isite two days later on one of my free afternoons -- I work mostly in the mornings because Mulder is not one to be left on his own. God knows he wasn't when he could still see and it hasn't exactly improved ... He's being good though, or at least he tries to. And when the Mulder-devil inside him really kicks in, which happens every two or three weeks when the frustrations and anger reach the maximum, my Mother-angel comes in and rescues the both of us. Mulder's name was entered into the waiting- list for the corneal grafting, along with all the other necessary medical data, and from then on it was just a matter of time. I knew that waiting-lists were murder on the nerves, but I guess I just never realised just how badly I'd react to the seemingly endless wait, thinking that every phone call could be the one ... Mulder seemed to be handling it a lot better than I did. He seemed to have become used to the fact that he couldn't see, even if the term 'used to' would probably not be the correct one. But he had accepted it, stopped to fight it, and sometimes, in moments of happiness I silently pride myself that perhaps I've had something to do with that. I mean, of course he's always had a strong personality, but he's amazed me with the way he deals with his blindness. The burns on his body have healed quite well. He has a few scars on his left arm and one deep one running over his left shoulder down to just under his shoulder blade. This was where the fabric of his clothes was burnt into his skin and that never heals completely. I don't mind though. I'm not as calm as I seem, however, right now. We received the phone call that a cornea was available for him early last night. We've waited for just over eight weeks and today will be the big day. We didn't sleep much last night, we were both simply too nervous, too worked-up about the news. Mulder and I walk across the main hall of the hospital towards the ophthalmology ward. When we reach it we are greeted by a woman in hospital scrubs. A doctor, no doubt about it. "Mr Mulder," she addresses my partner and shakes his hand. "Ms Scully." I shake her hand and look at the name tag. Dr Iris Teiresios. I wonder if her parents were Greek. That name does ring a bell though, but I cannot quite put my finger on it. Well, that's not important right now. We follow Dr Teiresios to a small office. There she invites us to take a chair and she herself sits down behind her desk. "Well, Mr Mulder. I'll be the surgeon who is going to perform the grafting to replace the damaged cornea of your right eye. It is your right eye, isn't it?" Mulder and I nod. Glad she asked, I suppose. She smiles. "Then I know I received the correct information," she says and smiles at us. I'm too nervous to find it very funny though. "Okay, now I heard from Dr Isite that you lost the ability to see after a fire, is that correct?" Mulder nods. "That is correct. I was trapped in an exploding building." Dr Teiresios looks at him. "All right. Well, I presume you already received the necessary information about the operation from Dr Isite, he is very thorough in cases like this one, but before we begin, do you have any questions?" I look at Mulder. I do have a last question, but I want him to go first if he has one as well. Apparently not. "Yes," I say, "there is one thing." "Which is?" "When the protective shield is removed, will he be able to see right away or will it be some time before his eyesight will have returned?" "The postoperative recovery is a long one," Dr Teiresios says, "and although you may expect to be allowed to go home later this afternoon, Mr Mulder, you should also expect it to take another six to twelve months before the final improvement in vision is complete. We do expect, however, that you'll be able to see right away, be it that the world will seem a bit hazy to you for a few days to come," she smiles. I see Mulder turn to me. "I can live with that, I think," he says and I feel a tear in the far corner of my eye. I blink it away. I have a dawning suspicion that I'll be shedding plenty of tears sometime in the very near future so it's no use wasting them already. "Okay," Dr Teiresios says, rising from her chair. "Then I think we should get started." A cold chill runs along my spine, but I tamp it down. I take Mulder's hand and we follow Dr Teiresios across the corridor to the operating theatres. "Let's get this show on the road," Mulder says softly and he smiles widely. He's so looking forward to this ... The door to one of the operating rooms is opened and a man exits the room, greeting Dr Teiresios. This is it, I realise. Why do I feel so weird ...? "Mulder," I say softly, giving the hand I hold to guide him a soft squeeze. "We're there?" he says and chuckles. "I thought we'd never get there." His feelings are so totally different from mine and there is a part of me that wants to make him stop smiling because I can't feel like it, but then the rational Dana Scully makes the foolish Dana Scully keep her mouth shut. Not that she manages to keep the tears at bay ... I take both his hands in mine, but it's only for a nanosecond that I stand here like this, then I'm in his arms. I don't want to cry, I want to be strong for him, but I can't. "Shh, Scully, don't cry ...", he gently soothes me. "I'll be fine ... shh ..." He strokes my hair. "We'll both be fine ..." He follows my face and tilts my face up with his forefinger and kisses me, gently and sweetly. "I love you," he says softly, smiling tenderly. I gulp a couple of tears away. "Me too," I whisper, "take care ..." "I will," he promises and with a last smile he is led into the room. A lonely tear makes its way down my cheek, but I manage to bite the rest back with a smile. Then I slowly make my way to the waiting room. XxXxX "Agent Scully?" I look up from the magazine I'm holding and which is quite tellingly still on page four. Not that I can remember anything from pages one, two, three or four. The assistant takes off her gloves and smiles. "We're ready. If you'd like to come with me?" I jump up, throw down the magazine -- which was ancient anyway -- and follow the woman to a room adjacent to the operating room. I spot the time and I'm actually surprised to learn it's more than two hours later. I never noticed the time going by. I see Mulder lying on a bed, a neat white gauze covering his right eye. He looks asleep, almost the way I sometimes found him in his apartment, the only concession to sleep being that he'd taken his shoes off. He's more tranquil now, but that might also have something to do with the anaesthetics. I walk up to him and take his hand in my left, stroking his cheek with my right hand. He lifts his hand and covers the hand on his cheek. "Hey, Scully," he says softly, smiling weakly. "Hi, Mulder, how are you feeling?" He touches the gauze pad covering his eye. "I've been better," he says wryly. "I've been worse, too." I smile. Well, at least the anaesthetic didn't affect his sense of humour. "That's good..." I say softly. Then I look at Dr Teiresios and one of the assistants. "When will he be able to take off the gauze?" "Oh, that'll probably be tonight or otherwise tomorrow," the assistant says. "And certainly when his ophthalmologist tells him he can do so." "Tonight?" I say and I admit that I'm amazed. I knew it would be soon, but I never realised it could be this soon. "Good, eh, Scully?" I hear Mulder say and I look at him. He has a big goofy smile on his face -- which is quite understandable of course -- and he reaches out to take my hand. I smile and take it. Then I sit down on the edge of the bed and hold his hand in both my own, gently letting my fingers stroke it. "Yes, it is," I smile. "Can you sit up?" "Don't know. I could try," he answers, immediately putting his words into action. "Shh, Mulder, take it easy," I say, trying to make him take this one step at a time, but it's to no avail. Suppose I shouldn't be surprised really, as if I don't know what my partner is like. He sits up and winces for a second. Well, I told him to take it easy, but he just wouldn't listen. "You okay now?" I say when he appears to have recovered. "Yeah, my eye feels funny though," he smiles, again touching the white gauze. Dr Teiresios returns with some medication. "These are eyedrops which you'll have to continue using for the next three or four months, depending on the recovery of your eye. They are partly to help the eye recover, but they also act as a means of preventing rejection of the new cornea." I take the small bottles and read the instructions. Meanwhile Dr Teiresios addresses Mulder. "I would like you to come back tomorrow for a check up and after that you will stay under the treatment of Dr Isite." Mulder nods gravely, looking too much like an obedient little boy. The man could fool even me with that look ... "It would probably be best to keep the eyepad on for at least another six hours, but if you keep the light dimmed to reduce stress on the eye you can take it off tonight," she says and I see how Mulder smiles hopefully. I feel butterflies in my stomach, part nerves, part relief, part ... I don't know. I only know that tonight will be the moment of truth for us. Will he see? "Mr Mulder," Dr Teiresios says to him, "there are a few things that you should bear in mind. First, you need to be very careful not to rub or press on your eye. You should avoid driving until Dr Isite says that it is safe for you to drive, he'll monitor the process of healing. You can continue any normal daily activities, but you should avoid strenuous activities such as lifting, bending or straining for at least two weeks." Mulder nods earnestly. "You'll have to continue using these eyedrops and whenever you go outside you should protect your eye by means of an eyeshield or glasses. I don't think that will be much of a problem though." She closes the file and smiles. "Are there any more questions?" I rouse from the sudden dream of Mulder having to wear his glasses for medical reasons -- oh, bliss -- at Mulder's question. "Yes, when will the sutures be removed?" "Anytime between six months and two years from now," Dr Teiresios answers. "Dr Isite will advise you when it's best to have them removed." He nods and gives my hand a soft squeeze. 'I want to get out of here,' it says and I fully agree. "All right," Dr Teiresios says, shaking my hand first and then Mulder's. "Take it easy, Mr Mulder, make sure that you avoid all strenuous activities for at least a week or two." "I will," he answers. "Thank you very much, doctor." I too thank Dr Teiresios and then I take Mulder's hand, make his arm circle my waist and together we leave the room. XxXxX It's nine in the evening now and looking through the kitchen door I see Mulder sitting on the couch, the gauze pad still covering his right eye. We agreed to take it off tonight, after dinner, when we were both relaxed. He didn't protest, agreeing fully with my proposal. Told you the man has changed ... I bring a glass of wine for myself and a glass of orange juice for Mulder back with me into the living room. He asked for a beer, but I'm still not certain about the medication still inside him and I refuse to take any chances. For now o.j. will have to do. He turns his head to me and scoots a little to the left, making room for me. I sit down beside him, moving close to him. "I'm nervous," he confesses and I nod. "Me too." "Scully, what am I going to do if it didn't work?" he says almost inaudibly and I can't help a sigh. "I don't know, Mulder," I answer. "I honestly don't know." I look at him and then I see just how tense he is. I place the two glasses on the table and sit up on my knees on the couch and gently take his face in my hands. Then I place soft kisses on his left eye, his nose and finally his lips. I intend for it to be just a quick kiss, but my body seems to have different ideas. Quite of their own volition my hands move around his neck and my lips are once more on his, kissing him deeply, warmly. I care so very very much about him and it really doesn't matter what the outcome of the operation will be. I will always love him. We end in a loose embrace, our foreheads touching and I look at him. Then I close my eyes and for a long time I only feel him. He is so warm and strong and he cares so much for me. "Mulder," I whisper, feeling his breath soft on my lips. He doesn't respond for a moment, but then the words come from his lips, trembling and scared. "Scully, I can't ... I can't do this ... What if ..." I press a soft kiss on his lips and then I sit back a little. I know that the only way we're going to do this is by simply putting words into action. I carefully remove the tape which holds the gauze in place and with trembling fingers I remove it. I can't help a smile when I see the colours the skin around his eye has become. He looks pretty beaten up. "Mulder, dare to open your eyes?" I say gently, carefully stroking a lock of hair from his brow. I've turned the lights in the room down and it's quite dark, but I don't want to put too much stress on his eye. After all it's been almost six months of near-darkness for him. He slowly opens his eyes and lifts his face to meet mine. And then I realise that he *can* see me: his eyes hold a recognition I never realised I missed so much during the past months. "Scully? Is that you?" he whispers and his voice trembles. I smile widely and nod. "Yes, Mulder, can you see me?" He bites down on his bottom lip and a tear runs down his face. "Oh, Scully ...", he merely says before gathering me in his arms and then we both start blubbering like babies. Well, I don't care, not now, not after this. Still crying he takes my face in his hands and looks at me. His gaze is so eager, so hungry and he runs his eyes over my face over and over again as if he cannot get enough of looking at me. I myself only look at his eyes, revelling in the look of recognition I see there. I missed him so much and now I've got him back ... "My God, I just never realised how beautiful you are," he whispers and he sounds so stunned. "Please remind me never to take this, all this, all of you for granted." He traces the features of my face with his fingertips, mumbling words but I can't understand what it is he is saying. His thumb lightly trails over my lips while his other fingers touch my cheeks. My eyebrows are next and then my nose. He smiles when he touches his forefinger to the little mole just above my lip. "You're not wearing any make up," he says, looking up at me. "You didn't cover your beauty mark." I shake my head. "I stopped doing that when I stopped being a Field Agent." He combs his fingers through my hair, twisting the ends around his fingers. "You let your hair grow, too," he smiles. Then he puts on his sexy pout and I can't help the happy sigh which escapes me. He may no longer be the poster hunk he once was, but he's still one hell of a damn sexy man. "You let your hair grow and you didn't even tell me about it!" I grin. "I thought that after all the nights we've spent in bed together, you would've noticed." He smiles an embarrassed smile and looks down. And then he looks back up through his lashes. They've grown back to full glory and are as gorgeous as before. They make every reply simply impossible to come up with. Instead I merely smile and I'm surprised I manage as much as that. "At least now I know that you really can see me," I say softly, touching my fingertips to his jaw. He freezes and it looks as if the impact of these words finally hits home: he's no longer blind, he's such a huge step closer to a normal life. He remains motionless except for the tear that runs fast from the corner of his eye down his cheek. I lean in and kiss it away, tasting the salty moisture and relishing it as though it were nectar of the gods. Then I sit back just a little to look at him and see that he's barely reacted. He's just sitting there, looking at nothing it seems, before he finally lifts his gaze up to meet mine. I smile encouragingly and my reward is another crystal tear. Then he cups my neck in his graceful hands and draws me in, kissing me with all the love he has to give. And when we finally look at each other again we smile, exchanging looks of admiration and the most tender caresses I've ever had the pleasure of feeling. Then he kisses me on the forehead, a lingering gentle kiss, and whispers my name. "Scully ...", he whispers and it sounds so sweet. I nod, but do not answer. I look at him and he looks me in the eyes. "I want to make love to you, Scully." I smile and nod. "Yes," I whisper and touch my lips to his. He smiles and then takes my hand in his and together we walk to my bedroom. XxXxX I wake up alone. I first notice something missing in my bed when I turn to his side and am met by nothing but cooling cotton. I press my face into that warm spot and take a deep breath and my nose gets filled with pure undiluted Mulder-scent, but the source is nowhere to be found. Still half-asleep I sweep my arm across the smooth cotton but he really isn't there. This isn't fair! I turn onto my back and can't help a light groan. I feel muscles protesting which have lain dormant for an embarrassingly long time and last night they got a serious work-out. I smile at the thought. Even though Mulder moved in with me immediately after he was discharged from the hospital and he began sleeping with me almost right away -- consequence of the nightmares which kept him up all through the night -- we remained platonic lovers, indulging ourselves only in a kiss every now and then to make this decision, which became increasingly more of a torture, at least slightly possible to keep. And last night we broke with that decision. Well, it *was* about time, too ... I hear the door to the bathroom open and Mulder comes out. I run my eyes all over him, appreciatingly and unabashedly. He is completely naked, making him even more of a dream to look at. He smiles when he sees my direct look. "Hey, gorgeous," he says, his voice dark and slightly rough around the edges. I don't know whether that is all sleep or ... Probably isn't ... "Why did you leave?" I say and my voice doesn't sound anything like my normal voice either. "The bed is cold without you." He smiles a toothy smile and slips back under the covers beside me. The temperature rises immediately and somehow I know that that cannot all be blamed on Mulder's body warmth. Without a moment's hesitation I climb on top of him and sigh contentedly. He makes the best mattress and pillow in the world. "What were you doing?" I ask. "Except for the normal things a guy does in the bathroom?" he replies with a grin and I nod. "Unless you've got some bathroom secrets you wanna share with me," I whisper and I feel him chuckle under me. "I might," he answers enigmatically and then it's my turn to chuckle. He strokes my back and sighs softly. "I was looking at myself in the mirror." "Feeling narcissistic?" He doesn't reply right away. "After six months I think I have a right to," he says eventually. I raise up a little and see him look at the ceiling. Somehow sensing my gaze he looks at me and closes his eyes for a moment, letting a small sigh out. "I'm sorry," he says, but I shake my head. "No, I'm sorry," I whisper. My comment was unkind and insensitive. The man has every right in the world to do this, God knows I'd probably need months to get used to my own image again. "I haven't exactly got prettier," he then says, rubbing his hand over the left side of his face where the faint scars of the fire are still visible. Together with one blind eye and one black eye he is indeed no pin-up model, but right now, in my sated state of sex-induced bliss, he is the most gorgeous man I know. I touch my fingers to his face and smile. "Not really, no," I answer, "but, if you're prepared to accept my highly biased opinion, I could still spend hours looking at you. You're still a damn good-looking man." "Am I really?" he smiles and winks. Part of me wants to poke him in the ribs for teasing me like this, but the melted part inside me has a far better idea of how to make him pay for his leers and innuendoes. And that involves nothing but him, myself, a bath and a bed. It's the impulsive side of me actually, a side which I normally manage to keep under control and do not pay too much attention to, but sometimes that part of Dana Scully has her bright ideas too. And then it would be such a shame to let those ideas go to waste, wouldn't it? I thought so, too. "Yes, you are," I smile, pressing a soft kiss on his lips. "You always have been, you know." "Thanks," he whispers and for a long time we only look at one another, the looks interrupted by soft kisses and loving smiles. It's so good to have him back and where we are now ... I rub my cheek over his chest and his scent slowly fills my nose and spreads itself in luxurious waves all through my body. I lazily raise my eyes to look at the alarm clock. 8.24 a.m. At first this information doesn't mean much to me but then I suddenly realise that I should be on my way to work in half an hour. Oh no ... "Mulder," I say softly, raising up a little and looking at him. He's closed his eyes, but opens them to meet my look. "I have to go to work," I say and he smiles a little. "That's right," he replies. "What a pity." "Mm-mm." "Suppose you can't stay at home?" I shake my head. "Wish I could. It's kind of urgent that I go though," I say and I wish I were lying. I kiss him briefly, but Mulder seems to have far better ideas, cupping the base of my skull in his hand and kissing me long and sensually, effectively reducing my insides to goo. And when we part he smiles up at me, his look so sweet and loving it very nearly makes tears spill from my eyes. But I don't want to cry when I'm here with him. It undoubtedly wasn't the smartest thing to do to fall in love with this difficult and complicated man, and he's most definitely the kind of man my parents didn't want me to date when I was in highschool or college, but he's made such a profound impact on my life that I cannot but forgive myself for taking this risk ... He sighs and smiles. "Come on, it's time for you to go," he says softly and I nod. We get up and after putting on our robes we walk to the kitchen. It goes automatically when I take two plates from the cupboard and begin making breakfast for the two of us. Halfway through slathering butter on the toast it suddenly dawns on me that he's no longer dependable on me for all this. I hand him the knife and he smiles in surprise. He hops off the stool and proceeds to make his own toast, smiling widely. "Do you know how much I've been looking forward to doing this again?" he says and takes a bite from the toast. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and walk to the bathroom. He's making it very tempting just to forget about work and stay at home, but duty calls and I have to hurry. I promise myself to take tomorrow off to make up for today. "Make sure you enjoy it to the max then," I smile just before I step into the bathroom and he nods with his mouth full. "Defi'ly," he mumbles and I grin. Five minutes later I leave the bathroom and see Mulder lying on the couch. He's still wearing nothing but the robe and he could do with a shave too. Dear God, give me the self-control to ... Think other things, Dana, only ten minutes before you have to go to work, there is no time to go on a field trip and investigate all the places of interest on Fox Mulder's body ... I take a deep cleansing breath and the heatwaves lose some of their aggressiveness. I walk up to him and give him another peck on the cheek. "I'm going to dress now," I whisper and he looks up at me. Sweet Jesus, please wipe that maddening leer off his face, I cannot bear this much torture, I'm only human ... "I'll be right back." He reaches out to grab my hand and I have to forcefully keep that limb to my side. He'd draw me onto the couch and into his arms if I'd fail to keep my hand within reach and then it would be no work for me today. Mmm, what a tempting idea ... "In four hours, Mulder," I whisper sensually and he sighs. I smile in reaction and playfully ruffle his short hair. It still has a few crispy hairs among the healthy strands, reminding us time and again of the close call we had. Five more minutes in that furnace which used to be the Melchior Chemical Plant and all I'd have as a memento of the man I love so very much would be a cold grave to visit. I dress quickly and when I leave the bedroom Mulder approaches me. "When will you be home?" he asks, taking me in his arms. "About half past one, I guess," I reply, weaving my hand in the soft hairs at the base of his skull. "Why? You got something up your sleeve?" "I might," he whispers into my ear and his breath is far too hot to be healthy on my nerves. I need to be on my way, but I decide it probably wouldn't hurt to indulge myself in one last kiss. I gently touch my mouth to his and feel how he teasingly trails the tip of his tongue over my lips. I know I really shouldn't do this but I open my mouth to let his tongue in anyway. Well, you would, too, if you were the one kissing him. Trust me. "You should be going," he says against my lips and I moan. Mulder, you are so cruel! Reluctantly I let him go and he smiles at me. "This'll certainly turn into a rush job," I say and that earns me a leering grin. "Please, be gentle," he whispers and snickers when I push him away. I think a letter would be in order by now, a letter to whatever deity made him return to me with his leering attitude quadrupled. He's always known how to push my buttons, but with the restoration of his eyesight he's also received his teasing sensuality back eight-fold. In short, he's become too irresistible for my own good. I brush my lips over his. "You know me ..." I whisper in return and he moans. "Get dressed and make sure that whatever it is you've got in store for me is ready to go when I come home. I don't think I'll be able to wait ..." And with these words I let go of him. XxXxX Of course Mulder's plan was a hit to end all hits. Remember I talked about my plan to make him pay for his leers and shameless innuendoes? The one with the bath and the bed etcetera? Turns out Mulder's actually psychic, for when I come home that afternoon I'm greeted by a Mulder in a robe and black silk boxers -- please have mercy with my poor heart -- and the apartment is lit by innumerable candles in all sizes and colours. I've always loved the soft light of candles and here we have hundreds of them, bathing the rooms in a very sensual warm light. The place smells of wine, cinnamon and, yes, a bit of lemon. Thought I smelled that. Whatever remnants of the formaldehyde there still were anywhere on me, they now lie in a useless little heap on my doorstep. *This*, ladies and gentlemen, is decadence ... And the best is still to come, I know. He's slouched on the couch and his brown hair is mussed in a gorgeous way and I feel my insides tingle and soften with desire. I always make him dress in the morning, I don't want him to stay in his night-clothes all day, but right now I know I'd never be able to protest. Not when he's looking as desirable as this ... He opens his eyes when I take off my coat and he smiles. "You tired, Mulder?" I smile and he raises an eyebrow. Then he gets up from the couch. "You'd better not be, otherwise I won't have anything to achieve today ..." He reaches me and slips his hands under my suit jacket. The candlelight makes his skin glow and his eyes flicker dangerously. "Don't worry, Scully, I wouldn't dare spoiling your fun," he whispers. "Oh, and may I remind you of the dress code in here? It's very strict." I let the jacket slip from my shoulders and down my arms. "Well, gotta do something about that then. Help me, will you, please?" I hook my fingers under the waistband of his boxers and feel how the muscles in his abdomen quiver as I brush my hands over them and something in his eyes melts. His fingers have been busy opening the tiny buttons of my blouse, but now one of his hands comes up to cup my chin and draw me in. And then he kisses me. It ups the need in me with a factor n. I tangle my hands in his hair, holdinghim close to me and I feel his desire pressing hard into my belly. I quickly dispose of my blouse and skirt and then I stand before him, clad in nothing but a bra, matching panties, thigh-highs and high heels. I see his Adam's Apple bob as he swallows hard and I smile. I bought this set of lingerie about two months ago, when we first heard about the transplant and maybe I bought this way-too- expensive set because deep in my heart I always knew one day he'd get to actually see it. Oh well, and purple lace has always managed to drive him out of his mind. He opens his mouth to say something, but then he just laughs. "You did that on purpose!" he says with a big lusty grin and I nod, smiling just as widely. "You like it?" I ask and he snorts in indignation. "Does Cancerman smoke?" he deadpans and I giggle. I kick off the shoes and then I let my eyes sweep over him. "But now it's you who's overdressed," I smile and he grins. He begins to untie the belt of the gown but I stop him. "Let me," I whisper and he nods. And with our lips touching I undo the knot and let front of the garment fall open. I press my body flush with his and he lets out a groan. "Mmmm, this is good," he whispers hoarsely. I nod. "Yes, it is." We kiss for another minute or so before he lifts his head away from me just a little bit and then he smiles. His eyes are pools of molten lava, but his smile is so very tender and sweet. "Come," he says, "there's more to come." "Mmm, I think I like what I've got here," I say. I look up into his eyes and smile wickedly. "You don't mean to tell me this ain't the best, do you?" He chuckles. "Trust me," he smiles, taking my hand and leading me to my bathroom from where I can smell the fresh scent of lemons. How did he guess that this was my favourite bathgel? Tell me the man is a clairvoyant and I wouldn't be arguing about it. I'd believe you straightaway. He leads me into the room where even more candles are burning. It's so good to be the one who's being led instead of being the leader. Apparently Mulder has noticed this as well for when we've reached my old clawfoot tub he makes me face him. He is very serious now. "I thought a form of thank-you would be in order," he says and cups my face in his hands. He's not smiling now, his expression is heart- breakingly tender and serious. "I know how much you like taking baths and I know that on the countless stays in those fleabags I always picked out for us you so often had to miss this and ..." He pauses for a moment, gathering his thoughts it seems. " ... let me do this for you now." I smile and nod. Did I ever stop to tell you that I love this man? "Please," I say. He smiles and gives me a wink. Suppose that means his battered ego has lost a few of its countless dents. Viva self-esteem. "You won't regret this," he says softly, unfastening my bra. I let my fingertips whisper over his chest. "I'm counting on that ..." XxXxX Mulder thinks I'm asleep, I'm sure of it. We're in bed and I'm nestled comfortably against his warm body. I feel so relaxed, warm and pliable. I usually do after sex, but this time it's even better. Life is pretty good, I must say. His fingers play with my hair in ways I know he'd never let me feel if he knew I was still awake. So soft, so tender. Mulder is not afraid of showing these feelings, but it's still different. "So very beautiful ..." I hear him mutter and my heart softens considerably. Then he sighs. I feel his lips on my hairline, not quite kissing me, but it's a wonderful feeling just the same. He gathers me to him and I bury my face in the curve of his throat, my senses fully overwhelmed by him, my eyes on the single last burning candle in the whole of this apartment. We extinguished all the candles except for the one on the coffeetable, knowing that candle was about the safest one to let burning. Okay, so it isn't a very smart idea to have a candle burning while you sleep, but I've done worse things in my life ... I wait until he's asleep before I turn and look at him. His face is relaxed and calm and he really is beautiful, no matter what he thinks himself. We still have to decide what to do now that he can see again. He's not a man who could be at home all day, it drove him up the wall even when he was blind and it's bound to become even worse now. I talked with Skinner and with Fitzgerald and Abraham and we agreed that it might be an option if he were to return to the X-Files again, become a part of a three-man team. After all he's undeniably the most experienced person available for the job. I haven't talked with him about this yet, I need to be sure first. I luxuriate in the opportunity to watch him sleep and I feel my heart grow bigger and softer with the love he can bring out in me. Who would've thought this was going to happen when I first knocked on the door to the most notorious office in the building, way back in 1992? It wasn't what I planned for and perhaps, just perhaps, I would have turned the offer down when they told me I could become a Field Agent, Special Agent Fox Mulder's partner if I'd known beforehand. Maybe I would have. But then again I cannot be sure anymore. I kiss his cheek and then sigh a little, moulding myself to his body. And I make him a promise that I'll do everything in my power to give him back what he has missed over the past months and what he so truly needs. The End Kirsten Kerkhof (c) The Netherlands, 16-12-1999